Mark your calendars for fun, community, a week with no school, and more! Then watch the blog, Instagram, and your email for more Roxhill news.
Important Dates
February 6 - School Tour for prospective families, 9-10am
February 8 - Family Park Meetup at Roxhill Park, 10am-12pm
February 10 - Friends of Roxhill Community Meeting, 6-7:30pm
February 13 - Family Fun Night, 6-7:30pm (Volunteers Needed!)
February 17-21 - Mid-winter break, including Presidents Day (no school)
February 28 - Coffee Hour with 4 & 5th grade, 8-9am
Family Fun Night!
Thursday, February 13

Mark your calendar for a night of family fun on Thursday, February 13 from 6-7:30pm. We will have games, activities, music, and a bake sale! Watch for more details in the next few weeks.
Volunteers Needed!
We are looking for volunteers to help plan the event as well as helping on the night of the event.
To help plan and organize Family Fun Night, email
We need volunteers to help set up, hand out pizza, bake goods for the bake sale, and clean up. Volunteer shifts are designed so everyone gets a chance to participate in the event as well. Sign up for a shift now!
Roxhill Open House and School Tour for Prospective Families
Thursday, February 6
9:00-10:00 am
Prospective families are invited to meet with Roxhill Principal Susan Lorow and our RoxStar teachers to learn about the school and take a tour of the historic E.C. Hughes building, which is home to Roxhill Elementary. Please share with your friends!

Roxhill Park Family Meetup
Saturday, February 8
10:00 am-12:00 pm
Come play at the park with other Roxhill families! We will meet at Roxhill Park (across from Target) rain or shine so kids can play and families can get to know one another. Bring a snack to share (optional).
Friends of Roxhill Community Meeting
Monday, February 10
Roxhill Elementary
Friends of Roxhill is our school’s non-profit parent/teacher organization (PTO). We are parents, community members, and teachers who work together to support the education and enrichment of our multicultural public school.
Everyone is welcome and all ideas are encouraged!
Our meetings are usually on the 2nd Monday of the month from 6–7:30 p.m. in the Roxhill cafeteria. This is a great way to connect with Principal Lorow, parents, caregivers and teachers in the Roxhill community.
Pizza and childcare will be provided. Spanish interpretation will be available. Interpretation for other languages is available upon request. Email with questions.

Parent Coffee Chat with 4th and 5th Grade Teachers
Friday, February 28
8:00 AM – 9:00 AM at Roxhill
Parents are invited to meet with Principal Lorow and 4th- and 5th-grade teachers to meet during the first hour of the school day. Coffee is provided by Friends of Roxhill.