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RoxStar Newsletter - December 2024


Message from Principal Lorow

Hello Roxstar Families,

Addressing the Recent School Lockdown

I want to take a moment to address the recent lockdown at our school. Lockdowns are precautionary measures we use in serious situations to ensure everyone’s safety. During a lockdown, students and staff stay inside locked classrooms, remain quiet, and follow the instructions provided by administration. These actions are essential to maintaining safety during uncertain situations.

We understand that hearing about a lockdown can be concerning for families. Please know that these protocols are standard and are part of our unwavering commitment to student safety.

Lockdowns may be used in response to potential risks inside or outside the school building. While we strive to keep families informed about the reasons for a lockdown, privacy and confidentiality often limit the details we can share.

Our staff are well-trained in these procedures, which we practice regularly during monthly safety drills. These drills include more familiar exercises like fire and earthquake drills, as well as lockdown scenarios.

Lockdown Procedures for Staff

  • Bring any nearby students or adults into your classroom and lock the door immediately.

  • Explain to students that all lockdowns—drills or real—are serious and must be treated as such.

  • Ensure students are seated, calm, and quiet.

  • Lock all doors and turn off lights.

  • Cover interior windows, and close blinds or curtains, if possible.

  • Keep students away from doors and windows.

  • Reassure students that procedures are in place for their safety.

  • Do not allow anyone to leave the room during the lockdown.

  • Do not open the door until the official “all clear”  is announced.

  • Use email, telephone, or radio to communicate known threats or safety concerns to the office, if possible.

Our staff work hard to provide reassurance and support to students during and after these situations. Teachers use class meetings as opportunities to address students’ worries and concerns, and our school counselor is always available to provide additional emotional support should it be needed.

Supporting Your Child at Home

If your child feels anxious or worried about lockdowns, here are additional suggestions to help ease their fears:

  1. Listen Actively: Give your child your full attention when they share their concerns and let them know their feelings are valid.

  2. Reassure Them: Emphasize that lockdowns are precautions to protect them and that their teachers and school staff are trained to keep everyone safe.

  3. Encourage Communication: Create an environment where your child feels safe discussing their feelings without fear of judgment.

  4. Limit Negative Media Exposure: Monitor your child’s exposure to distressing news, which can increase fear and anxiety.

  5. Focus on Problem-Solving: Help your child think through ways they can feel more prepared and less anxious during a lockdown.

  6. Continue the Conversation: Check in regularly to address ongoing concerns and provide reassurance over time.

We are committed to keeping your child safe while they are under our care. By working together, We can help children feel secure and supported both at school and at home. Thank you for your trust and partnership in creating a safe learning environment for all students.

Kindness Campaign

December is Roxhill’s Kindness campaign. Each December we focus on being kind to one another. Staff at school will be watching out for Kind acts happening all over Roxhill and students will earn Cookie Bucks for their kindness (similar to Starbux but a little different) after two weeks of recognizing Kindness, students will be able to buy cookies with their Cookie bucks on Friday 12/13 and 12/20.


If you want to help contribute to our Kindness campaign, we would love to have some home baked cookies for our celebration on December 13th and 20th. Homemade or store bought is fine, but please remember NO PEANUTS! You can drop off cookies in the front office before 10am on December 13th and 20th. We also need a few volunteers to hand out the cookies at lunch recess. 

On Friday December 13th and 20th:

  • 10:20 to 10:35

  • 11:00 to 11:15

  • 11:35-11:50

Please add 10-15 minutes for transitions. Sign up now!

Thank you for your kindness!

Parent Coffee Chat with 3rd Grade Teachers

December 13, 8-9am at Roxhill

Parents are invited to meet with Principal Lorow and 3rd-grade teachers to meet during the first hour of the school day. Coffee is provided by Friends of Roxhill.

Holiday and Household Support Winter Fundraiser

The Holiday and Household Support Winter Fundraiser will bring cheer to Roxhill families who need assistance with presents, meals, and household supplies. Every child should have a holiday meal and present, and parents and caregivers could use less stress this holiday season.

100% of donations go directly to Roxhill families in the form of grocery store gift cards and are tax-deductible.

Cash and check donations are also accepted in the front office.

Checks should be payable to “Friends of Roxhill Elementary” with memo line: “Holiday Support Fundraiser”.

Our school counselor Mrs. Amber organizes family support and there is an increased need for assistance this year. If your family needs holiday support and you haven't already been in touch, please email her at

Help us spread the word about this fundraiser by sharing the following link with your friends, family and on social media.

Dine Out Fundraiser at The Westy, December 2 - 4

Help Friends of Roxhill raise money by ordering dinner from our neighbors at The Westy! Dine in (21+) or order take out on Tuesday, Dec. 3, Wednesday, Dec. 4, or Thursday, Dec. 5 and a portion of sales will go to Friends of Roxhill.

Mention to your server or in your online order that you're a Roxhill supporter!

The Westy

7908 35th Ave SW

(206) 937-8977

See's Candy

Thank you for supporting the Friends of Roxhill Elementary! We’ll receive profits from any items you purchase below. Order more to help us reach our fundraising goal! Please make sure to order by our deadline 12/6!

Holiday Flower Power Fundraiser

You can purchase winter-blooming flower kits to grow indoors from Flower Power Fundraising through December 15. They make great gifts!

Purchase your flower kits here and help spread the word by sharing the link with your family and friends on social media.

Box Tops for Education

Did you know you can help support Roxhill just by buying groceries?  All you have to do is download the free Box Top app, buy Box Tops participating products (like Cheerios!) and scan your grocery receipt. Box Tops are worth $.10 each and they add up fast. Twice a year, Roxhill receives a check to help pay for whatever teachers need.

Use this referral code for Roxhill : EQHG2SRA

Health Information from Nurse Ann

Please make sure your child’s immunization records are up-to-date.  Early in 2025, students whose immunization records are out-of-compliance will be excluded from attending school until they are updated.  In addition, vaccines are the best way to protect your child from winter respiratory viruses.

Need to review your child’s immunization records?  Use the MyIRMobile App and register for a free account.  You’ll have easy access any time you need it.  Please reach out to Nurse Ann via Talking Points or phone 206-252-9577 if you run into any trouble getting signed up!

Is your child missing vaccines? Schedule an appointment with their Primary Care Provider or our School Based Health Center (206-452-2660) today!

Advocacy Training for Parents & Caregivers

Are you passionate about improving child health and wellbeing? Want to learn more about ways to advocate?

Join the Washington Chapter of American Academy of Pediatrics’s (WCAAP) upcoming advocacy training designed just for parents! You will learn:

  • How Washington’s legislative process works

  • Ways to share your story to advocate for change

  • Practical tips for connecting with lawmakers and opportunities to get involved in the 2025 legislative session

Date: Tuesday, December 10th, 2024

Time: 12:00-2:00pm

Location: Zoom (registration required)

Neighborcare: Hello and Dental Screenings

Hello Roxhill families! My name is Nick, and I am excited to be the new Health Center Coordinator with the Roxhill Neighborcare Health Center.

We provide a range of services, including vaccines (need a flu shot?), well child checks, prescription refills, health screenings, and acute medical care. We also provide behavioral and mental health services and full dental care. All services we provide are completely free for Seattle Public School students.

If you would like to be able to access these services, please register with our clinic (registrarse en español).

Dental Screening Day: January 27, 2025

We are now scheduling students for our dental screening day on January 27th. A screening includes a visual evaluation of your student's teeth and application of a fluoride varnish to protect against cavities. This is a great way to determine what type of dental care your student may need and get help making any necessary appointments. Plus, it's a great way for your student to meet our dental team!

If you would like your student to be screened on January 27th, please complete the Dental Screening Consent form (En español: Información de firmante de PowerForm).

You can also pick up paper versions of any of our forms by visiting our clinic. 

Feel free to stop by to register, schedule a visit, ask questions, or just say hi. You can also call the clinic at 206-452-2660, email, or text us at 206-490-0802. Thank you, and take care!

Friends of Roxhill PTO Community Meeting

Monday, December 9

6:00-7:30 pm


Friends of Roxhill is our school’s non-profit parent/teacher organization (PTO). We are parents, community members, and teachers who work together to support the education and enrichment of our multicultural public school. 

Everyone is welcome and all ideas are encouraged!

This is a great way to connect with Principal Lorow, parents, caregivers and teachers in the Roxhill community. Pizza and childcare will be provided. Spanish interpretation will be available. Interpretation for other languages is available upon request. Email with questions.

No December Roxhill Park Meet-up

We'll be back with more playground meetups in 2025!

Carpool Connections

If you are ineligible for bus service and are looking for other Roxhill families to connect with about carpooling or walking your child to school, please fill out the following form, created by Friends of Roxhill. Your contact information will not be shared without your permission:

If you are willing to drive or walk students in the neighborhood without transport, please fill out the form as well.

Volunteer Opportunities

All volunteer opportunities that take place on school grounds or field trips will require you to fill out a volunteer application through SPS. Apply here or check your status as a returning volunteer. Direct all questions about your SPS application to Office Assistant Ms. Yuri  at We are currently looking for volunteers to help with:

Want to get more involved with Friends of Roxhill?

Fill out our volunteer interest survey to learn more about what we do and how you can help.

Library News

Here is the library song for November/December, which is played at the beginning of every library visit - “We Need a Good Book to Read/We’re Off to the Library.”

Winter Break is a great time for 4th and 5th graders to get lots of reading in for the in-school competition of the Global Reading Challenge, which will be held on Friday, February 7. It is not too late to decide to start reading. Teachers will be forming teams sometime after Winter Break. To access e-books and audiobooks of the 8 titles, go to this link - 

Use your Library Link account number and PIN to check out e-books and audiobooks. All SPS students have a Library Link account number; the 13-digit account number begins with 990000 + your 7-digit SPS Student ID#. The PIN is the 4 digits of your birthdate, mmdd.

Get to know Mr. Robert on Instagram!

Important Dates

  • December 3, 4, and 5 - The Westy Dine Out Fundraiser

  • December 6 - Last Day for See’s Candy Fundraiser

  • December 9 - Friends of Roxhill PTO Community Meeting, 6:00 - 7:30pm

  • December 10, 12-2pm: WCAAP Parent Advocacy Training

  • December 13, by 10am -  Kindness Campaign Cookies

  • December 15 - Flower Power Fundraiser Deadline

  • December 16, 10am - 12pm - Roxhill Park Meetup

  • December 20, by 10am - Kindness Campaign Cookies

  • December 20 - Early Dismissal 1:25pm

  • December 21- January 5 Winter Break

  • January 6 - School Resumes

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