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RoxStar Newsletters - November 2024


Message from Principal Lorow

Hello Roxstar Families,

November is a short but busy month.  Some reminders:

  1. Front doors open for students at 7:35am. Students may have breakfast in the cafeteria or go to the playground. The first bell rings at 7:50am and students transition to the classroom.  The late bell rings at 7:55am and the front doors are closed.  Students arriving after 7:55am are late and will be marked tardy.

  2. Parents are welcome to walk their student into the building. Please say goodbye in the foyer, at the cafeteria or playground. We are now 8 weeks into the school year and all elementary children are developing independence at school. 

  3. Teachers are NOT available for conversation or meeting prior to school as they are getting ready to start the school day. This before school time is plan time per the teacher contract. If you would like to meet with your student’s teacher, please request a meeting time with them via phone, email, or Talking Points. If you are unsure of how to reach out directly to a staff member, please call the office at 206-252-9570 and we will assist you. 

  4. Your child’s teacher will be contacting you soon to schedule a meeting time for Parent/Teacher Conferences. It is important to meet with your child’s teacher to learn more about their education in the classroom. Conferences will be held on the following dates and times, and will be scheduled in 20 – 30 minute blocks.

    • 11/23 Saturday 9:00am-3:00pm

    • 11/25 Monday 7:30am-6:00pm

    • 11/26 Tuesday 7:30-1:30

  5. There is no school for students on Monday 11/11 as this is the Veteran’s Day Holiday.  There is no school for students for the week of November 25 thru November 29, 2024 for conferences and the Thanksgiving holiday.


Principal Lorow

Family Survey

Roxhill Staff is committed to strengthening our connections and commitments to our families. In order to do so, we need feedback and ideas from a wide range of families and caregivers. We often hear from the same families when we seek out information. While we value that feedback, we would like to ensure we have information and answers from ALL families and those that represent our very unique and diverse school community. We would really appreciate you taking the time to fill out this 2 question survey!!

Please know this information is anonymous but will be shared with staff to help us drive our decisions going forward!

Field Trip and Classroom Fund Update

Our Fundraiser ended a little short of our goal but with your generous support we were able to raise $3940! The funds will be distributed to teachers for use on field trips and classroom supplies. Thank you so very much for those that were able to donate!

Carpool Connections

If you are ineligible for bus service and are looking for other Roxhill families to connect with about carpooling or walking your child to school, please fill out the following form, created by Friends of Roxhill. Your contact information will not be shared without your permission:

If you are willing to drive or walk students in the neighborhood without transport, please fill out the form as well.

Meet Other Roxhill Families at Park Meet-ups

After a summer and early fall break, park meet ups are back! Join other families at Roxhill Park (across the street from Target) on Saturday, November 23 from 10am - 12pm.

Friends of Roxhill PTO Community Meeting

Monday, December 9

6:00-7:30 pm


Friends of Roxhill is our school’s non-profit parent/teacher organization (PTO). We are parents, community members, and teachers who work together to support the education and enrichment of our multicultural public school. 

Everyone is welcome and all ideas are encouraged!

This is a great way to connect with Principal Lorow, parents, caregivers and teachers in the Roxhill community. Pizza and childcare will be provided. Spanish interpretation will be available. Interpretation for other languages is available upon request. Email with questions.

Volunteer Opportunities

Lunch Room Helpers

We are looking for parents who can help during lunch! Help supervise and assist students during lunchtime.

Lunch Times:

  • K-1 10:40 - 11:10

  • 2-3 11:15 - 11:45

  • 3-4 11:50 - 12:20

Reading Buddies

We are looking for parents who can spare just 15 minutes in the morning to read with our students from about 8:00 – 8:15am. However, we can work with your schedule!

The goal is to encourage a love for reading and literacy among our students. By having parents, or community members come in to read with them, we hope to foster a positive reading environment and enhance their reading skills.

Books and student lists will be provided, so all you need to bring is your enthusiasm for reading! Your presence and participation will make a difference.

Contact Roxhill Intervention Teacher, Katarina Ferguson at with questions. You can sign up here.

Chess Club

We are trying to set up a lunch time Chess Club for Grades 2-5. Ideally, we are looking for one to two individuals who would be willing to commit weekly, twice a month or monthly.  Please email if you are interested.


All volunteer opportunities that take place on school grounds or field trips will require you to fill out a volunteer application through SPS. Apply here or check your status as a returning volunteer.

Want to get more involved with Friends of Roxhill? Fill out our volunteer interest survey to learn more about what we do and how you can help.

Dine Out Fundraiser at The Westy, December 2 - 4

Help raise funds for Friends of Roxhill by ordering dinner from The Westy! On Tuesday, Dec. 2, Wednesday, Dec. 3 and Thursday, Dec. 4, The Westy will donate 20% of Roxhill sales back to FoRE.

Dine out fundraisers help pay for classroom supplies, field trips, and more. The Westy is just around the corner from Roxhill on 35th  - the restaurant is 21+, but families can order take-out.

Library News

It’s that time of the year again…the annual Global Reading Challenge for 4th and 5th graders has begun. From November 1 through sometime in early February, students in grades 4 and 5 throughout the district will read as many of the following eight titles as they wish. Teams of six will be created in January, and participating schools will have an in-school competition in February to determine the team that will represent the school in the city-wide Semifinals and Finals. Students will have to answer True/False, Multiple Choice, and Short Answer questions. Books will be available in class (four copies of each title in each room), in the library, and online using a Library Link account. (Mr. Robert will show students how to access e-books and audiobooks during library lessons the week of November 4.)​ This is an optional but very fun activity for 4th and 5th graders.

Below are some of the books that have been read during library lessons so far this school year. Which of these have been favorites for your child?

Global Reading Challenge List of Books

Important Dates

  • November 11 - Veteran’s Day, No School

  • November 14 - Ruby Bridges Walk-to-School & Celebration

  • November 15 - Coffee Chat 8am - 9am featuring Second Grade Teachers

  • November 23, 10am - 12pm - Roxhill Park Meet-up

  • November 25-28 - Elementary conference days (no school for elementary and K-8 schools; varies by school)

  • November 29-30 - Thanksgiving and Native American Heritage Day (no school)

  • December 2 - 4 - Dine Out Fundraiser at The Westy

  • December 9 - FoRE Community Meeting (6 - 7:30pm)

  • December 10 - Make up Picture Day - for retakes or if you were absent

  • December 13 - Coffee Hour - 3rd Grade

  • December 20 - 1-hour early dismissal

  • December 23, 2024-January 3, 2025 - Winter break (no school)

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