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RoxStar Newsletter - November 2023

Updated: Nov 6, 2023

Student art work celebrating October's Hispanic Heritage Month

November 2023 Newsletter

Table of Contents:

  • Message from Principal Lorow

  • Lost and Found

  • Roxhill Teachers are Fund for Teachers Fellows

  • Roxhill Readers and Library Videos

  • Community Food and Basic Needs Resources

  • Neighborcare Health

  • High Point Harvest Festival - 11/11

  • Friends of Roxhill PTO Community Meeting - 11/13

  • Roxhill Park Family Meetup - 11/25

  • Food Waste Prevention Class - 11/28

  • Holiday Fundraisers

  • Carpool Connections

  • Volunteer Opportunities

  • Teachers were kids too!

  • Important Dates

Message from Principal Lorow

November brings family and teacher conferences. This year family conferences will take place on Saturday, November 18th, Monday, November 20th and Tuesday, November 21st. If you have not already signed up for a time slot with your student’s teacher, please do reach out to the teacher ASAP. At Roxhill we hope to meet with the family of every student. Conferences are an important time to share information about your student with their teacher and to have any questions you may have answered by the teacher. We value your partnership in educating your child and recognize that you know your child in a much deeper way than we do. Teachers will share specific information about your child’s academic and social-emotional progress including strengths and areas for growth. Looking forward to seeing you soon!

Lost and Found

The clothing rack is filling up with lost coats and sweatshirts! Please come by during office hours 7:30am – 3:00pm to pick up your child(ren)’s lost items. This will also be available during conferences. Items left past Tuesday November 21st at 2:00 pm, will be donated.

Please write your child’s name in their coats and sweatshirts so we can return lost items to the rightful owner.

Roxhill Teachers are Fund for Teachers Fellows

In January 2023, Mike Popelka (Kindergarten Teacher) and Chris Robert (Teacher-Librarian) applied for a fellowship from Fund For Teachers. FFT provides up to $5,000 for an individual or $10,000 for a team to create their own professional development that takes place during the summer. The goal of the PD has to be tied to student data. Mike and Chris looked at data from Roxhill’s student climate survey questions about “Belonging and Relationships” and “Identity and Culturally Responsive Teaching.” They decided to focus their fellowship plan on a subset of our student population, Muslim students, and planned to travel to an Islamic country to immerse themselves in Islamic culture, norms, and history to (hopefully) understand more about the lives/experiences of our Muslim families so that they could better serve our Muslim students and families. After they budgeted, they requested $8,500 in their application. As students heard a few weeks ago in Mr. Robert’s presentation to students, their application was rejected the first time (2022), so they decided to try again the following year. They revised, resubmitted, and in March of this year, their fellowship was granted, and their fellowship took place from July 19-August 6.

Here is a snapshot of the fellowship through Mr. Popelka’s eyes -

Here is a snapshot of the fellowship through Mr. Robert’s eyes -

Roxhill Readers and Library Videos

Our incredible librarian, Mr Robert, is creating a bulletin board of photos of Roxstars reading. If you'd like to contribute a photo of your Roxstar reading (a favorite book, reading with a friend/family member/pet, reading in an unusual place or while doing something fun), email to He will take care of getting them printed!

If you haven't heard about Mr Robert's fun library-themed songs, get ready to have some fun! Every other month, Mr Robert crafts book and library-themed lyrics to a popular song and records them to create a fun new library song. Check out the September and October song, "I sure like to read" with a few special guest singers!

Community Food and Basic Needs Resources

Have you signed up for Roxhill’s Friday Food Bag Program? If you want to have a bag of non-perishable foods and some fresh produce sent home in your child’s backpack for the weekends, please contact Fardosa Warfa at (206) 452-2660 or

Looking for extra support for food or other basic needs? Have time or resources to share with others? Please connect with our community partners! If you don’t find what you’re looking for here, please reach out to Nurse Ann at 206.252.9577 or

African Community Housing and Development

West Seattle Food Bank

West Seattle Clothesline

Villa Comunitaria

Puget Ridge Edible Food Park

Neighborcare Health

We would like to welcome Neighborcare’s new Health Center Coordinator, Fardosa Warfa. She is a Roxhill graduate!

To book an appointment, reach out to her at (206) 452-2660 or

Neighborcare Health is located in Roxhill Elementary School along with many other schools in the district. Our mission is to provide comprehensive health care to families and individuals who have difficulty accessing care; respond with sensitivity to the needs of our culturally diverse patients; and advocate and work with others to improve the overall health status of the communities we serve.

We are here to improve the health and wellbeing of our Roxhill students through free medical, mental health, and dental services. We understand that it can be very difficult to pull students from school to attend appointments for their primary clinics. We are here to make it easier and efficient for you and your child by ensuring they receive the necessary care they need without missing school. By scheduling appointments with Neighborcare Health at Roxhill, students can be seen by the medical, mental health, and dental providers during school hours (parent attendance is optional).

Along with medical, mental health, and dental services, we offer a number of different services:

  • Sports Physicals

  • Food Access

  • Prescription Refills

  • ADHD evaluations

  • Flu vaccination

  • COVID-19 vaccination

  • HPV vaccination

  • and much MORE!

At Neighborcare Health, we would like to encourage parents of Roxhill students to sign up for Influenza (Flu) vaccinations this November. Infants and young children, people 65 years and older, pregnant people, and people with certain health conditions or a weakened immune system are at greatest risk of flu complications. Flu vaccine prevents millions of illnesses and flu-related visits to the doctor each year. There are many flu viruses, and they are always changing. Each year a new flu vaccine is made to protect against the influenza viruses believed to be likely to cause disease in the upcoming flu season.

High Point Harvest Festival

Saturday, November 11



Let’s celebrate the season of Fall and Harvest!! Crafts, Hot Cider, Cocoa, food and Tree Planting!

Pond Park

3000-3104 High Point Drive SW

Questions text or email Ella


Hosted by Seattle Housing Authority.

Friends of Roxhill PTO Community Meeting

Monday, November 13


Roxhill Cafeteria

Friends of Roxhill is our school’s non-profit parent/teacher organization (PTO). We are parents, community members, and teachers who work together to support the education and enrichment of our multicultural public school.

Everyone is welcome and all ideas are encouraged!

Our meetings are usually on the 2nd Monday of the month from 6–7:30 p.m. in the Roxhill cafeteria. This is a great way to connect with Principal Lorow, parents, caregivers and teachers in the Roxhill community. Pizza and childcare will be provided. Spanish interpretation will be available. Interpretation for other languages is available upon request. Email with questions.

Roxhill Park Family Meetup

Saturday, November 25


Come play at the park with other Roxhill families! We will meet at Roxhill Park (across from Target) rain or shine so kids can play and families can get to know one another. Coffee will be provided. Bring a snack to share (optional).

Food Waste Prevention Class

Tuesday, November 28

12:00-1:00 pm

Neighborhood House - High Point

6400 Sylvan Way

Seattle, WA 98126

We will learn together how to…

  • Buy only food you need – how to make shopping lists

  • Eat, buy, and grow local food – stays fresh longer

  • Store food properly including how to freeze it

  • Best uses for leftovers

  • Help our communities – ways to share extra food

Interactive Class – Watch a slide show - share ideas

You will get a folder full of information, a free ‘Chico’ reuseable produce bag, and be entered in a raffle to win a fun food storage product!

Hosted by Seattle Housing Authority and Tilth Alliance.

Holiday Fundraisers: See’s Candies and Flower Power

Help Friends of Roxhill Elementary raise money this holiday season by purchasing See’s Candies or winter blooming flowers through one of our holiday fundraisers. Spread the word by sharing the links with your family and friends on social media.

See’s Candies:

Order deadline is December 1.

Flower Power Fundraising:

Order deadline is December 15.

Carpool Connections

If you are ineligible for bus service and are looking for other Roxhill families to connect with about carpooling or walking your child to school, please fill out the following form, created by Friends of Roxhill. Your contact information will not be shared without your permission:

If you are willing to drive or walk students in the neighborhood without transport, please fill out the form as well.

Volunteer Opportunities

All volunteer opportunities that take place on school grounds or field trips will require you to fill out a volunteer application through SPS. Apply here or check your status as a returning volunteer. Direct all questions about your SPS application to Office Assistant Christy Pudduck

Want to get more involved with Friends of Roxhill?

Fill out our volunteer interest survey to learn more about what we do and how you can help.

Roxhill teachers were kids too!

Can you guess who this is?

a. Mr. Miller

b. Mr. Martin

c. Mr. Popelka

d. Mr. Mac

Take a guess on the Friends of Roxhill Facebook Page and find out the answer at the next PTO meeting on November 13!

Important Dates

November 10 - NO SCHOOL Veterans Day Observed

November 11 - High Point Harvest Festival @ Pond Park, 11am-1pm

November 13 - Friends of Roxhill PTO Community Meeting, 6:00-7:30pm

November 20-22 - NO SCHOOL Fall Conferences

November 23-24 - NO SCHOOL Thanksgiving and Native American Heritage Day

November 25 - Roxhill Park Family Meetup, 10:00am - 12:00pm

November 28 - Food Waste Prevention Class @ Neighborhood House, 12:00-1:00pm

November 30 - Picture Retake Day

December 11 - Friends of Roxhill PTO Community Meeting, 6:00-7:30pm

December 15 - 1 hour early dismissal

December 18 - January 1 - NO SCHOOL Winter Break

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