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RoxStar Newsletter - November 2022


Updated: Nov 5, 2022

November 2022 Newsletter

Table of Contents:

  • Message from Principal Lorow: Family-Teacher Conferences

  • Lost and Found

  • Flu Vaccine Drive

  • Friends of Roxhill Community + Board Meeting - November 14

  • Picture Retake Day - November 16

  • Coffee Hour - November 17

  • Night of Hope - November 17

  • Friday Food Bag Program

  • Volunteer Opportunities

  • Important Dates

Message from Principal Lorow:

Family-Teacher Conferences

November at elementary school brings Family-Teacher Conferences. This is a critical time in the family school partnership. Teachers will share information about what your student has been working on thus far as well as the expected progression for the remainder of the year. You will hear about strengths your student has demonstrated along with areas for growth. Conferences are also a time for families to share their hopes and dreams for their child as well as any concerns they may have in regard to their student’s school experience. Classroom teachers will be communicating with each family to set up conferences. Interpretation services will be available as needed. Our goal is to meet with the family of every student.

Conferences will be held on:

Saturday, November 19, 2022 from 9am to 3pm

Monday, November 21, 2022 from 7:30am to 6pm

Tuesday, November 22, 2022 from 7:30am to 1pm

Reminder: Students will NOT be in school Monday, November 21, 2022 through Friday, November 25, 2022 to allow time for teachers to engage with families and for Thanksgiving and Native American Heritage Day.

Lost and Found

Lost and Found is filling up!

Please stop by to pick up any lost items on the rack by the cafeteria.

The rack will also be available during Conference days.

Items not picked up by 1:00pm on Tuesday November 22 will be donated.

Flu Vaccine Drive

The Neighborcare Health Center is offering Flu Vaccines for Roxhill students the week before Thanksgiving!

Appointments are available Monday, November 14 and Thursday, November 17.

We have both flu shots as well as the intranasal FluMist vaccine.

All services are FREE and available to all Seattle Public School Students. To schedule an appointment, call/text (206) 490-0802 or email

Friends of Roxhill Community + Board Meeting

Monday, November 14


The next FoRE meeting of the school year is coming up on Monday, November 14 from 6-7:30 pm in the Roxhill cafeteria. Join us for pizza, connections, and conversation about how to best support our Roxhill community. Childcare is provided. Spanish and Somali interpretation will be available.

Picture Retake Day

Wednesday, November 16

If your student missed Picture Day on October 12, they can have their picture taken during school hours on November 16.

Forms went home with students or you can prepay for your photos online:

  • Go to

  • Select Order School Photos

  • Preorder Photos Here

  • Type in “Roxhill”

  • View Gallery

Coffee Hour

Thursday, November 17


Drop off your student and join us for coffee, pastries and conversation with other parents and caregivers. Siblings are welcome.

Night of Hope

Thursday, November 17


Roxhill is thrilled to have our first in-person Night of Hope since 2019! Join us on Thursday, November 17 for a night of sharing your hopes and dreams for your student and connecting with other Roxhill families. There will be pizza and a raffle!

5:30-6:00 Pizza and mingle

6:00-7:30 Conversations begin

Roxhill’s Family Engagement Action Team (F.E.A.T.) needs help with planning this event. Please email Ms. Jenny for upcoming meeting details.

Friday Food Bag Program

The Neighborcare Roxhill Health Center delivers free food for students each Friday! There are no eligibility requirements.

Sign up your student for a weekly food bag by contacting Alicia Wun


Call/Text 206-490-0802

  • Produce bags vary by week, and usually include 3-5 pieces of produce (e.g. pineapple, spinach, zuchinni, bell peppers, cherry tomatoes)

  • Pantry goods include easy-to-prepare packaged foods (ramen, instant oatmeal packets, canned soup), snacks (granola bars, fruit leather), and drinks (juice and milk)

Volunteer Opportunities

All volunteer opportunities that take place on school grounds or field trips will require you to fill out a volunteer application through SPS. Start a new application or check your status as a returning volunteer here.

We are currently looking for volunteers to help with:

  • Childcare during Friends of Roxhill Meetings (November 14 + December 12)

  • Picture Retake Day (November 17)

  • Food Bank Pickup for Food Bag Program (Fridays at 9am)

  • Scholastic Book Fair Cashiers in the Roxhill Library (December 12-16)

Read more details and sign up for shifts here.

Friends of Roxhill is also looking to fill 3 officer positions. These positions can be shared by more than 1 person:

  • Secretary: Keeps accurate notes of monthly meetings. Works with president and board to create meeting agendas, handles correspondence and sends notices of meetings to members.

  • Treasurer: Manages budget, provides financial report at monthly meetings, writes checks, makes deposits, understands the current state of fundraising activities.

  • Vice President: Assist the president and carry out the president’s duties in his or her absence. The vice president also oversees the committees of this organization.

Send an email to for more information.

Want to get more involved with Friends of Roxhill? Come to our next meeting on November 14 or fill out our volunteer interest survey to learn more about what we do and how you can help.

Holiday and Household Support Fundraiser

Every child should have a holiday meal and present, and parents and caregivers could use less stress this holiday season. You can make a difference by donating today to Friends of Roxhill Elementary, our school’s non-profit PTO.

Bring holiday cheer and help families cover basic household needs (e.g., groceries, cleaning supplies, utilities). Our goal is to provide each family with $200 in holiday and household support this year.

We have about 50 families in our community who need support through the holiday season. How do we know families are struggling? Last month, Roxhill Elementary School’s counselor, Ms. Amber, reached out to families to ask about their needs.

“Roxhill Elementary has the most amazing community of bright, loving kids and caring, generous families," said Ms. Amber. "I know how hard it is to ask for help, so I honor every parent that has had the courage to let me know they need help right now. This is what community is about."

If your family could use support during the holidays and you haven’t already told Mrs. Amber, please email her at

For those who have the means, you can help us show every family that they are seen and cared for. Make your gift today, then share it on social media and send it to your family and friends. This is a moment when we need to come together.

Important Dates

November 8, Election Day

November 11, NO SCHOOL: Veterans Day

November 14 + 17, Flu Vaccine Drive

November 14, Friends of Roxhill Community + Board Meeting, 6-7:30pm

November 16, Picture Retake Day

November 17, Coffee Hour, 7:55-9am

November 17, Night of Hope, 5:30-7:30pm

November 19 – 23 NO SCHOOL: Family-Teacher Conferences November 24 – 25 NO SCHOOL: Thanksgiving and Native American Heritage Day

Check our Events Page for more info!

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Friends of Roxhill Elementary

Friends of Roxhill Elementary is a 501c3 non-profit and your school PTO. Please join us!


Phone: (206) 252-9570

7740 34th Ave. SW
Seattle, WA 98126

Registered Charity: 81-0968096

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