December 2023 Newsletter
Table of Contents:
Message from Principal Lorow
Kindness Campaign
Scholastic Book Fair
Holiday Fundraisers
Roxhill Counseling Information
Neighborcare Health: Flu shots
Health Information from Nurse Ann
Garden Work Party - 12/9
Friends of Roxhill PTO Community Meeting - 12/11
Dine Out Fundraiser at Proletariat Pizza - 12/12
Roxhill Park Family Meetup - 12/16
Carpool Connections
Volunteer Opportunities
Teachers were kids too!
Important Dates
Message from Principal Lorow
We have two new staff to introduce to families.
Mr. Lane Juntunen is our new music teacher. Students are calling him Mr. J. Your students are singing, using instruments, and adding in movement during every music class. Mr. J. is here at Roxhill half-time. He is here in the morning and at Arbor Heights Elementary in the afternoon.
We also welcomed Ms. Sydney Franklin as a new instructional assistant with our Resource program. Ms. Sydney has been working at Head Start the past couple of years but she was ready to make the leap to school age as she is working on her teacher certification and we are so excited to have her working with us
Welcome to Mr. J. and Ms. Sydney!!
December is a short but busy month both at school and outside of school. It is helpful if both home and school keep routines going during these busy times. Set bedtimes and morning routines can do a lot to support learning.
A quick reminder: Our school day starts at 7:55 am. If your student arrives after 7:55 am they are tardy to school. Arriving on time to school can also help your student have a more settled school day.
Thank you for all you do to partner with us to provide the best education we can for your child!

Kindness Campaign
December is Roxhill’s Kindness campaign. Each December we focus on being kind to one another. Staff at school will be watching out for Kind acts happening all over Roxhill and students will earn Cookie Bucks for their kindness (similar to Starbux but a little different) after two weeks of recognizing Kindness, students will be able to buy cookies with their Cookie bucks on the last day of school before break on December 15th.
If you want to help contribute to our Kindness campaign we would love to have some home baked cookies for our celebration on December 15th. Home made or store bought is fine, but please remember NO PEANUTS! You can drop off cookies in the front office before 10am on December 15. We also need a few volunteers to hand out the cookies at lunch recess.
Sign up for a shift here:
Thank you for your kindness!

Scholastic Book Fair
The Scholastic Book Fair is coming to the Harrison L. Caldwell Library at Roxhill on December 5, 6 and 8. All purchases through the book fair benefit our school.
Adults may set up an e-wallet for students by going to this link: https://bookfairs.scholastic.com/bf/roxhillelementaryschool1
An e-wallet is an online account where adults can deposit money so that students do not need to bring money to school and lose it! Cash is also accepted.
Tuesday, December 5
7:55-2:25 – students may shop when teachers send them to the library
2:25-3:00 – students may shop with an adult
Wednesday, December 6
11:00-1:00 – students may shop when teachers send them to the library
Friday, December 8 – LAST DAY OF THE BOOK FAIR!
7:55-2:25 – students may shop when teachers send them to the library
2:25-3:00 – students may shop with an adult
Are you an SPS approved volunteer? Come and volunteer at the book fair by signing up for a shift here:

Holiday and Household Support Winter Fundraiser
The Holiday and Household Support Winter Fundraiser will bring cheer to Roxhill families who need assistance with presents, meals, and household supplies. Every child should have a holiday meal and present, and parents and caregivers could use less stress this holiday season.
100% of donations go directly to Roxhill families in the form of grocery store gift cards and are tax-deductible.
Make a donation here. Cash and check donations are also accepted in the front office.
Checks should be payable to “Friends of Roxhill Elementary” with memo line: “Holiday Support Fundraiser”.
Our school counselor Mrs. Amber organizes family support and there is an increased need for assistance this year. If your family needs holiday support and you haven't already been in touch, please email her at amsmith3@seattleschools.org
Help us spread the word about this fundraiser by sharing the following link with your friends, family and on social media.

Holiday Flower Power Fundraiser
Thank you to everyone who purchased See’s Candies to benefit Friends of Roxhill! Although our candy shop is now closed, you can still purchase winter-blooming flower kits to grow indoors from Flower Power Fundraising through December 15. They make great gifts!
Purchase your flower kits here and help spread the word by sharing the link with your family and friends on social media.

Roxhill Counseling Information
Hello Roxhill Families!
This is Mrs. Amber, the School Counselor at Roxhill Elementary.
I am writing to let families know about how School Counseling interventions will be managed this coming school year. As the school counselor, I am in classrooms teaching social skills and social emotional learning classes as well as small group lessons.
I am going to be running small groups in every grade level. Here are some examples of small groups that will be happening this year:
Academic Leadership
Stress, Worry, Anxiety Skills
Community Builders
Organization and Time Management
Liking yourself / Self-esteem
Friendship Navigation and Role Models
Small groups will focus on creating experts and leaders in classrooms to help build our school community and student voice. There are typically 6-8 lessons total and they happen once a week. I will be working with each teacher to find a time to meet with students that is least impactful to their core instruction.
Our goal is that at the end of the group, students will speak with their class at morning meeting about what their take-aways from small group were and be a support for other students in their class around those skills.
Not every student will participate in small groups but many will. If you have questions or concerns about your student potentially participating in these activities you can reach out to me at amsmith3@seattleschools.org or 206-252-9578. Or if you would like to ask for a specific small group intervention for your student you may also reach out.

Neighborcare Health: Preventing the FLU is easier than treating it!
Neighborcare Health encourages all children to get their flu shots to be protected from influenza this winter season. Neighborcare Health offers free flu shots at the Roxhill Elementary school, along with many more vaccinations. The flu shot should be taken each year, and it is free to most students at Roxhill. Come into our clinic to book an appointment or contact our Health Center Coordinator to register for Neighborcare Health.
Neighborcare Health is located in Roxhill Elementary School along with many other schools in the district. Our mission is to provide comprehensive health care to families and individuals who have difficulty accessing care; respond with sensitivity to the needs of our culturally diverse patients; and advocate and work with others to improve the overall health status of the communities we serve.
We are here to improve the health and wellbeing of our Roxhill students through free medical, mental health, and dental services. We understand that it can be very difficult to pull students from school to attend appointments for their primary clinics. We are here to make it easier and efficient for you and your child by ensuring they receive the necessary care they need without missing school. By scheduling appointments with Neighborcare Health at Roxhill, students can be seen by the medical, mental health, and dental providers during school hours (parent attendance is optional).
Health Clinic Coordinator Roxhill:
(206) 452-2660
Molina Healthcare is pleased to reward Apple Health members with a $100 Gift Card for receiving their flu vaccine (shot) between September 1, 2023 and February 29, 2024! Click here for more details.

Health Information from Nurse Ann
Roxhill is committed to supporting your child’s dental health needs. We know dental health is important for speech and language, eating nutritious foods, and overall health. Healthy kids learn best!
Neighborcare Health provides dental screening at Roxhill Elementary school. These are 5-minute appointments with our dental team which will contain a quick oral health evaluation, a fluoride varnish, a summary sent to the parents, and a referral for nearby Neighborcare Health Dentist clinics. These are free dental screenings to children, and we typically do 2 screenings per school year. Look out for our next screening this coming Spring of 2024!
In the meantime, here are 2 opportunities to participate in dental screening:
December 24, 2023 NeighborCare School Based Health Center. All students who register.
January 11, 2024 Public Health Seattle and King County All 2nd and 3rd graders who register.
Please contact Nurse Ann for more information or to be connected to a community dentist: 206-252-9577 or aeperry@seattleschools.org
Do you know, public health has folks to help you connect to all kinds of health care and community resources? Find info about the Community Health Access Program (CHAP) here or call 206-284-0331.
If your student has their own dental health care in the community, great! No need for action here.

CANCELLED: Garden Work Party
Saturday, December 9
10:00 am - 12:30 pm
Let's clean up the Roxhill Garden and prepare the beds for winter! Help us with weeding and wood chips. Tools and gloves provided. Coffee will be served. Bring a snack to share (optional). Come any time between 10am-12:30pm.
Enter from south parking lot (34th + Kenyon). The playground will be open for kids to play or they can help in the garden.
RSVP here so we know how many volunteers to expect.
Please send questions to friendsofroxhill@gmail.com

Friends of Roxhill PTO Community Meeting
Monday, December 11
Roxhill Cafeteria
Friends of Roxhill is our school’s non-profit parent/teacher organization (PTO). We are parents, community members, and teachers who work together to support the education and enrichment of our multicultural public school.
Everyone is welcome and all ideas are encouraged!
Our meetings are usually on the 2nd Monday of the month from 6–7:30 p.m. in the Roxhill cafeteria. This is a great way to connect with Principal Lorow, parents, caregivers and teachers in the Roxhill community. Pizza and childcare will be provided. Spanish interpretation will be available. Interpretation for other languages is available upon request. Email friendsofroxhill@gmail.com with questions.

Dine Out Fundraiser at Proletariat Pizza
Tuesday, December 12
4:00 - 9:00pm
Take a break from cooking and order pizza for dinner at Proletariat Pizza. Dine in with other Roxhill families or order for take out/delivery. Tell your server that you are a Roxhill Elementary supporter when you order and they will donate a portion of your bill to Friends of Roxhill.
Proletariat Pizza
9622-A 16th Ave SW

Roxhill Park Family Meetup
Saturday, December 16
10:00 am-12:00 pm
Come play at the park with other Roxhill families! We will meet at Roxhill Park (across from Target) rain or shine so kids can play and families can get to know one another. Coffee will be provided. Bring a snack to share (optional).

Carpool Connections
We receive frequent requests for transportation help and try to coordinate carpools and walking buses by introducing families to each other.
Current request:
1st and 5th grader in need of a driver to and from Trenton and 25th Ave. SW
Please fill out the following form if:
You need help getting your child to or from school.
You would like to volunteer to drive or walk another student to or from school.
Your contact information will not be shared without your permission. Please contact friendsofroxhill@gmail.com with questions.

Volunteer Opportunities
All volunteer opportunities that take place on school grounds or field trips will require you to fill out a volunteer application through SPS. Apply here or check your status as a returning volunteer. Direct all questions about your SPS application to Office Assistant Christy Pudduck cspudduck@seattleschools.org.
We are currently looking for volunteers to help with:
Scholastic Book Fair (December 5, 6 and 8)
Friday Food Bag Prep and Delivery (Fridays at 12 noon)
Garden Work Party + Cleanup (December 9)
Childcare during FORE Meeting (December 11)
Kindness Campaign Cookie Celebration (December 15)
Want to get more involved with Friends of Roxhill?
Fill out our volunteer interest survey to learn more about what we do and how you can help.

Roxhill teachers were kids too!
This month we are sharing two truths and a lie about 1st grade teacher Ms. Gamache.
Can you guess which one is the lie?
My parents had me start working on a farm at 5 years old.
I studied Ballet at art college in Seattle.
I have over 87 first cousins.
Take a guess on the Friends of Roxhill Facebook Page and find out the answer at the next PTO meeting on December 11!
Important Dates
December 5, 6 and 8 - Scholastic Book Fair
December 9 - CANCELLED Garden Work Party, 10am-12:30pm
December 11 - Friends of Roxhill PTO Community Meeting, 6:00 - 7:30pm
December 12 - Dine Out Fundraiser at Proletariat Pizza
December 15 - Kindness Campaign Cookie Celebration, 10:25 - 11:50am
December 15 - Flower Power Fundraiser Deadline
December 15 - 1 hour early dismissal
December 18 - January 1 - NO SCHOOL Winter Break
January 2 - Back to school!
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