Roxhill Families.
You should have received an email from SPS with a survey for your intent to return to in-person learning. You will receive one survey per child. If you have not received your survey, please call the office (206)252-9570.
The deadline to submit your survey is Wednesday March 24th.
Seattle Public Schools (SPS) is asking all families to confirm their enrollment plans for the remainder of the 2020-21 school year. SPS also wants to learn why families choose remote or hybrid instruction.
For families with students in Kindergarten and 1st grade who completed a previous survey, your preferences indicated on this updated survey will be used. These are the SPS hybrid details:
All preschool, kindergarten-5th grade, and PreK-12 students enrolled in Special Education Intensive Service Pathways will be offered four days of half day in-person instruction per week (M/T/Th/F) in either a morning or afternoon block.
Wednesdays will be remote learning for all students.
For students with Individualized Education Programs (IEPs), the IEP team may meet to determine if additional services are necessary.
The District cannot guarantee access to childcare.
Yellow bus transportation will be limited and provided for students receiving special education whose IEP includes transportation, Head Start, McKinney Vento (students experiencing homelessness), students receiving Foster Care services, and students with a 504 accommodation for transportation. Once 6-12th grade students return to school buildings Orca Cards will be provided.
SPS is working to maintain teacher consistency. To the extent possible, students returning in person will remain with their current teacher in a cohort.
If you have any further questions about the return to school, please contact Principal Torres at 206-252-9575 or by email at katorres@seattleschools.org